Frequently Asked Questions

At last, you can have all your licensing needs for 24 jurisdictions handled through ONE office with ONE phone call.

One application plus one set of prints plus one payment equals 24 jurisdictions.

Jockey Pat Day says, "It's one less thing to worry about. I love it!"

Owner Arthur Hancock says, "Thank God I don't have to go down to the police station to be fingerprinted for every state anymore. The National License is good. It's real good."

Owner Robert McNair says, "Universal licensing makes it easier to be an owner, trainer, jockey or driver."

Trainer Niall O'Callaghan says, "It makes a lot of sense for anyone who races in multiple states."

Trainer Tom Amoss says, "It's awful nice to make just one phone call and consider it done."

What is the National Racing Compact?

The National Racing Compact is an independent, interstate governmental entity authorized by participating states and the FBI to issue a national license for participants in horse racing with pari-mutuel wagering.

Commissioners from the Compact states have formed a central licensing office. The Compact has standards for licensure, accepts applications and fingerprints, analyzes criminal history record information and issues licenses that are accepted by all the member states.

The license is also accepted by a large number of non-member states on a reciprocity basis.

Where can I apply?

  • Online at

  • In person at any participating commission office or racetrack, just as you would for a state license.
  • By mail. Call our toll-free number for an application or download the form off our website.
  • At racetracks, industry conferences and events. We have a portable, digital fingerprint scanner that we take on the road to facilitate sign-ups. No more messy ink fingerprints!

What do I need to apply?

  • a completed, signed application
  • a digital or passport-type photo
  • an RCI or NRC fingerprint card
  • a check or credit card number

How does the National License work?

The Compact offers one-stop shopping: You call us when you want to race in a different state or province and we arrange your license. Once you have been approved for a National License, we see that your license is registered and your fees are paid in the participating states that you request. The Compact keeps track of your expiration in each state, notifies you about the need to renew, informs you of the fees, resubmits electronic fingerprints as necessary and handles renewals with a phone call and a credit card number.

What does the National License cost?

The National License is issued for a three-year period and expires on December 31. Apply after Oct. 1 and get the fourth quarter free. The nonrefundable application fee covers all services for three years: finger-print processing, registering your license in the states you ask for, tracking your renewals in each state and forwarding the state fees. Your total cost is $225, plus the state fee for each state you plan to race in.

What do I get out of this?

  • No repetitive fingerprinting!
  • We become the central clearing-house for all your licensing needs.
  • All it takes is one phone call to us to add or renew your registration in a state.
  • Just give us the state and a credit card number and we do the rest.

Will this eliminate state licensing fees?

Each commission may charge its required fee for participation in its state. Some commissions waive the state fee for National License holders.

Pay only for those states you are sure you'll be racing in. You can add other states at any time with one phone call.

Will I pay duplicate fees if I'm already licensed in some states?

No. The Compact keeps a record of every state you are licensed in and notifies you when you need to renew in each state. You pay no duplicate fees.

Does the Compact issue rulings?

No. National licensees are subject to each state's regulatory authority when racing in that state.

What if I'm suspended in one state?

As is the case now, your suspension would be honored by the Compact and the other states. When you were restored to good standing in the original state, your national license would also be valid again.

What are the criteria for licensure?

This convenience is for participants in racing who are indisputably welcome to race in every state. Therefore, the standards for the national license are comparable (not necessarily identical) to the strictest requirements of the participating states.

The standards are outlined on the application and on our website, so that potential applicants can determine whether they qualify before they apply.

What if I don't qualify?

Applicants who don't qualify for a national license may apply, without prejudice, for a license in each state, just as they do now.

If I'm denied, would that prevent me from getting a state license?

Failure to receive a national license is not, by itself, a bar to being licensed in an individual state.

The Compact does not officially deny a license to an applicant who doesn't meet the standards. In such case, the applicant is informed that the Compact cannot process his application further. The applicant may then appeal and present more information to the Compact or apply, without prejudice, for a license on a state-by-state basis.

Is the National License a badge?

No. Restricted areas of the racetrack are the domain of track management. Each track has different requirements for access to restricted areas, and you are responsible for acquiring the appropriate badge or sticker for your license at each track.

The National Racing License:


Apply online, by mail or at participating racetracks, industry conferences and events.

Inkless digital fingerprint scanner. Eliminate repetitive fingerprinting.

Pay all fees with one check or credit card.

No duplicate fees. Pay only for states where you are racing.

We track renewals and send payments for you.

Register in additional states with a phone call and a credit card.

Good for three years @ $75 per year, including fingerprint processing and all services.

Good in 24 jurisdictions:
* Arizona, *Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, *Illinois, *Indiana, *Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, *Maryland, *Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, *Ohio, Oklahoma, *Ontario, *Pennsylvania, *Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and *Wyoming.

*Participates in the program but issues its own license pending adoption of legislation to join the Compact. May have additional requirements.

Apply online, by mail or at participating racetracks, industry conferences and events.
Inkless digital fingerprint scanner.

Pay all fees with one check or credit card.

No duplicate fees. Pay only for states where you are racing.

We track renewals for you.

Register in additional states with a phone call and a credit card.

Good for three years @ $75 per year regardless of when you apply.

National Racing Compact
2365 Harrodsburg Rd. Ste. B-450
Lexington, KY 40504

PONE (859) 224-0584
FAX (859) 224-0591

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